Rabbi Bernard M. Zlotowitz Memorial Campaign
Rabbi Bernard Zlotowitz’ birthday just passed -- he would have been 90 years old. He and I spoke about what that meant to him and about what a remarkable life he had led.
Rabbi Zlotowitz was courageous in his beliefs and an advocate for Jewish values around the world. He was a cherished mentor to those who studied with him at AJR and an icon in the Reform movement. His depth of knowledge was a well from which all of his students could draw during their time at AJR and it still resides in us today.
Most of all, he understood that we are all remarkable individuals. I have spoken with a number of fellow alumni and with the Zlotowitz family and we all feel strongly that there ought to be both a dedicated space at AJR which will pay tribute to him and a fitting way to honor his memory in perpetuity.
After discussion with AJR leadership, I am pleased to announce that, with your help, ARC will be naming and dedicating the Faculty and Student Conference Room in Rabbi Z’s memory. This will be a very special place where AJR Faculty will meet students for conversation and to advise and counsel them and where some of our dear teacher’s memorabilia will be displayed.
There are also have plans to establish a Memorial Lecture in Rabbi Zlotowitz’ honor to be held each year as the keynote public lecture at the Intensive. More details will be forthcoming.
We need your help to raise the $50,000 to accomplish these goals; thus I am inviting you join in this campaign through your contributions. All commitments will be welcome and truly appreciated, but we ask that you consider donating $1000 or more to the effort. Donors of this magnitude will join me as members of the newly forming Rabbi Zlotowitz Memorial Steering Committee and will be afforded special recognition for their commitments. Although we would like to raise the total amount of funds in one year, if you can commit to a pledge of $1000 or more, it can be paid over a two year period.
Here is the good news: donations have already begun to come in!
All contributions are fully tax deductible.
To pay by check, please use the form below. If you would prefer to use Pay-Pal, you may pay at https://www.thearconline.org/donations
If you should have any questions please call me at 845 638-3369 or e-mail rabbipeg@verizon.net
Please accept my most sincere thanks in advance for your support.
Rabbi Peg Kershenbaum
Rabbi Zlotowitz Memorial Steering Committee
___ Yes, I do want to support the ARC effort to endow the Faculty/Student Conference room and establish a Rabbi Zlotowitz Memorial Lecture
I would like to pledge:
___ $1000 [__](I would like to pay over 2 years)
___ $750 ____$72
___ $500 ___ $36
____ $250 ____$18
____$100 other amount $_________
Amounts over $1,000 may be paid over 2 years
____ Enclosed please find my check for my pledge made payable to ARC
Please print this form and mail it with your payment to
The Association of Rabbis and Cantors
c/o Rabbi Sharon Ballan, Treas.
251-55 42nd Ave
Little Neck, NY 11363
Please designate that your donation is to the Rabbi Bernard M. Zlotowitz Memorial Campaign